Chapter 5. Object oriented programming
5.5. Roles
What are roles?
Perl roles are similar to Java interfaces or Ruby mixins. Roles add behavior and/or state to a class. They can have attributes and methods and can do other roles.
A role:
package Searchable;
use Moo::Role;
# state
has 'number_of_results' => (is => 'ro', default => sub { 5 });
# behavior
sub search { ... }
A class that consumes Searchable role.
package Thing;
use Moo;
with qw/Searchable/;
Using the object:
my $thing = Thing->new();
- Classes do or consume roles
- Roles are composed into classes
The require
keyword requires the class which consumes this role to implement
a method. If the method does not exist an exception is thrown.
Example role:
package Searchable;
use Moo::Role;
requires 'search_engine';
sub search {
my ($self, $query) = @_;
my $json = $self->search_engine->search($query);
return JSON->new->utf8->decode($json);
Example class which consumes the role:
package Thing;
use Moo;
with qw/Searchable/;
sub search_engine {
return Bing->new();
Zen of roles
- Roles are shareable between unrelated classes
- Roles are what a class does not what a class is
- Roles add functionality, inheritance specializes
Suggestions for naming roles
- The names of roles often end in 'able'. For example:
- Printable
- Searchable
- The names of roles often start with 'Has' or 'Is' or 'Can'
- HasEngine
- IsFragile
- CanBreakDance
Roles vs Inheritance
- Brontosaurus isa Dinosaur
- Brontosaurus does ForagingForPlants (behavior)
- Other Dinosaurs also do the ForagingForPlants role
- Brontosaurus does HasLongTail (state)