Chapter 7. Testing

7.1. Introduction

Directory layout

Perl tests traditionally go in the t directory at the root of your project. It should look something like this:

├── 00_compile.t        # this test runs first
├── data                # dir for test data
│   ├── alien.json
│   └── cowboy.json
├── lib                 # dir for test libraries
│   └── t
│       └──   # t::Helper
├── Transmogrifier
│   ├── In
│   │   └── Tiger.t     # unit tests for Transmogrifier::In::Tiger
│   └── Out
│       ├── Alien.t     # unit tests for Transmogrifier::Out::Alien
│       └── Cowboy.t    # unit tests for Transmogrifier::Out::Cowboy
└── Transmogrifier.t    # integration tests for

The layout of your .t files should probably mirror the layout of your .pm files.

Running tests with prove

On the command line:

$ prove --help # get help
$ prove t # runs tests in the t directory
$ prove t/cowboy t/alien
$ prove -r t/cowboy t/alien # recursive
$ prove          \
    --lib        \ # add 'lib' dir to your $PERL5LIB
    --verbose    \ # more output
    --recurse    \ # run tests in the t dir recursively
    --jobs 10    \ # run tests in parallel
$ prove -lvr       # same as above but shorter and no concurrency

prove runs tests in alphabetical order by default and it only runs .t files.

Writing tests with Test2

Install Test2:

cpanm -l local Test2

Some basic functions that are made available by Test2:

# Test for true or false
ok( $got, $test_name);
ok(!$got, $test_name);

# Compare 2 scalar values
is  ($got, $want, $test_name);
isnt($got, $want, $test_name);

# Match against a regex
like  ($got, qr/want/, $test_name);
unlike($got, qr/want/, $test_name);

# Compare data structures
is_deeply($got_complex_thing, $want_complex_thing, $test_name);

# Rare, but used for complex logic: 
# eg, if I get to this place, pass()
pass "this test will always pass";
fail "this test will always fail"; 

# Used to make sure you meant to stop testing here and
# didn't exit/return/die and skip the rest of your tests.


use Test2::V0;
use Dinosaur;

my $dino = Dinosaur->new;

is $dino->has_tail, 1, "dinosaurs have a tail";


For more info see the Test2 documentation: