Chapter 7. Testing

7.2. Warnings and exceptions

Testing for unintentional warnings

Ideally your code doesn't generate warnings. Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings will cause your test to fail if any warnings are generated. Here is how to use it:

use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings;

By default this module suppresses any warnings. If you want to see the warnings in your test output:

use Test2::V0;
use Test2::Plugin::NoWarnings echo => 1;

Testing for intentional warnings

use Test2::V0;

ok warns { warn 'a' }, "the code warns";
ok !warns { 1 }, "The code does not warn";
is warns { warn 'a'; warn 'b' }, 2, "got 2 warnings";

ok no_warnings { ... }, "code did not warn";

    warning { warn 'xxx' },
    "Got expected warning"

    warnings { warn "a\n"; warn "b\n" },
    [ "a\n", "b\n", ],
    "Got 2 warnings"

For more details see Test2::Tools::Warnings.

Testing for exceptions

use Test2::V0;

    dies { die 'xxx' },
    "Got exception"

ok(lives { ... }, "did not die") or note($@);

For more details see Test2::Tools::Exceptions.